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Öğrenmeye başla
Get your fucking hands up!
Put the fucking gun down!
Put the gun...
Put the gun down, all right?
- I came here to talk some sense into you.
- Hands!
All right. Just act professional.
- I can get you your money.
- What did you say?
I can get you your money.
You didn't come here
to talk, all right?
You came here to get arrested.
You got fucking tapes?
Of what?
- Costello was my informant.
- I was a rat? Fuck you! Prove it.
He was working for me.
He was my informant.
Shut your fucking mouth.
Come on, get up!
Well, what is this, a citizen's arrest?
Blow me, all right?
Only one of us is a cop here, Bill.
You understand that, Bill?
- No one knows you.
- Would you shut the fuck up!
I'm a sergeant in the
Massachusetts State Police.
Who the fuck are you?
- I erased you!
- You erased me, huh?
Yeah, go ahead, shoot a cop, Einstein.
Watch what happens.
What will happen is this bullet would
go right through your fucking head!
- Watch what happens!
- What, so you can get the parade, huh?
The bagpipes and bullshit?
Fuck you! Fuck you, I'm
fucking arresting you!
- That's the stupidest thing you could do.
- Shut the fuck up!
I could give a fuck
if the charges don't stick.
working - çalışma
watch - izlemek
would - olur
understand - anlama
stupidest - aptalca
state - belirtmek, bildirmek
shoot - ateş etme
sense - duyu
could - could
einstein - Einstein
fucking - kahrolası
money - para
bullet - mermi
through - vasitasiyla
stick - çubuk
bagpipes - gayda
prove - kanıtlamak
ahead - önde
thing - şey
happens - olur
sergeant - çavuş
arrested - tutuklandı
arresting - dikkat çekici
charges - ücretleri
arrest - tutuklamak
massachusetts - massachusetts
erased - sildim
police - Polis
costello - costello
hands - eller
bullshit - saçmalık
happen - olmak
informant - muhbir
right - Sağ
knows - bilir
tapes - bantlar
mouth - ağız
professional - profesyonel
parade - geçit töreni
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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