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Öğrenmeye başla
That was amazing.
You guys should have seen it.
Oh, Terry was so scared,
and Mick and the lawyers, they were just...
- They were pissed.
- Yeah.That's super, Mark
They thought you guys
gave me the once-over.
Who did you tell?
- What?
- Who else did you tell about the raid?
Well... I had to
tell my secretary.
Guys, I'm the head
of the bioproducts division.
She has to know where to get in touch
with me. I told her months ago.
So all I said was,
"Liz, I'm doing some work with the FBI.
I might be out of touch for a while. "
That's it.
She had no idea about our case.
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned the name
Kathy Dougherty a time or two...
She is a trusted ally.
And I didn't want her to be scared.
Why would you do that, Mark?
I trust her.
- Guys, we can trust Kathy.
- Who else?
Don't jack us around, Mark.
Kirk Schmidt. I mean, Schmidty...
would - olur
while - süre
lawyers - avukatları
dougherty - dougherty
doing - iş
division - bölünme
trusted - güvenilir
amazing - şaşırtıcı
about - hakkında
around - etrafında
kathy - kathy
schmidt - schmidt
might - belki
pissed - sarhoş
months - ay
pretty - güzel
super - süper
trust - güven
scared - korkmuş
touch - dokunma
terry - havlu kumaş
where - nerede
bioproducts - biyoürünler
thought - düşünce
mentioned - adı geçen
secretary - sekreter
schmidty - Schmitty
should - meli
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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