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Öğrenmeye başla
Shit! That'll put another asshole
in a elephant right there, boys.
My turn. Come on.
Wait. Now, watch that kick. She
don't know it's your first time.
Hand it over. And stand back. All right, all right. Here we go.
What the fuck? No!
See? I warned you. Let me see.
Let me see.
- Oh!
- What?
Is it broken?
Do you think that it's broken?
- It should be.
- Oh, shit.
- Is it broken...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah!
- Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Oh, shit!
- Oh, shit!
I thought he wasn't working today.
Hey, Ray, how you doing, man?
Good to see you.
Can someone tell me
what two-thirds of my force is doing
out here firing rockets at a slab of beef?
Afternoon, Ray.
- Do you have a permit for that monster?
- Yeah. Right here.
Why don't you get him a towel or something?
He's messing up his uniform.
And you. Clean that
chunk of beef off your hat.
I got a chunk of beef? Oh!
Look at that. That's nasty. Thank you.
The Dinkum Firearm
and Historic Weapons Museum?
That's right!
You got a museum here? And
the tax returns to prove it.
Open every second Thursday of the month,
noon to three. Bring the whole family.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
Ray, I'm really sorry. Ray?
We were just having a little fun.
Not much to do in town.
It's pretty dead over there and...
You know, we need something to do.
- Oh, really?
- Yeah.
- I got something for you.
- Okay.
A couple of truckers that stopped in town.
Weren't too happy to see me.
There's something off about them.
Run those plates for me.
I'm on it, Sheriff.
If you get a hit, pass it on to the troopers.
Wow, you're looking jacked, Ray.
You've been working out?
- I warned him about the recoil.
- Give me that damn thing.
And let me have a go.
Before I change my mind
and write you a citation.
write - yazmak
working - çalışma
whole - bütün
weapons - silahlar
warned - uyarısında
uniform - üniforma
truckers - kamyoncu
troopers - Askerler
towel - havlu
thought - düşünce
thursday - Perşembe
three - üç
those - bu
thirds - üçte
thing - şey
there - Orada
thank - teşekkür
stopped - durduruldu
stand - durmak
sorry - afedersiniz
looking - seyir
force - kuvvet
firing - ateşleme
happy - mutlu
elephant - fil
clean - temiz
think - düşünmek
afternoon - öğleden sonra
should - meli
asshole - pislik
first - ilk
having - sahip olan
prove - kanıtlamak
really - gerçekten mi
chunk - yığın
plates - Plakalar
firearm - ateşli silâh
dinkum - dinkum
jacked - Jacked
sheriff - şerif
couple - çift
citation - alıntı
another - bir diğeri
before - önce
broken - kırık
doing - iş
change - değişiklik
returns - döner
historic - tarihi
bring - getirmek
family - Aile
little - küçük
month - ay
about - hakkında
messing - karıştırmasını
monster - canavar
museum - müze
every - proszę uważać
nasty - pis
permit - izin
today - bugün
second - ikinci
pretty - güzel
recoil - geri tepme
right - Sağ
rockets - roketler
someone - Birisi
watch - izlemek
something - bir şey
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