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Öğrenmeye başla
I can only assure you, that
everything that's happened to you...
everything we've done to you...
it was all done for a reason.
You won't remember...
but the Sun has scorched our world.
Billions of lives lost to fire...
suffering on a global scale.
The fallout was unimaginable.
What came after was worse.
We called it the Flare.
A deadly virus that
attacks the brain.
It is violent... unpredictable...
Or so we thought.
In time, a new generation emerged
that could survive the virus.
Suddenly, there was a
reason to hope for a cure.
But finding it would not be easy.
The young would have to
be tested, even sacrificed...
inside harsh environments...
where their brain activity
could be studied.
All in an effort to understand...
what makes them different...
what makes you different.
You may not realize it...
but you're very important.
Unfortunately, your trials
have only just begun.
As you'll no doubt soon discover,
not everyone agrees with our methods.
Progress is slow, people are scared.
It may be too late for us...
for me...
but not for you.
The outside world awaits.
Wicked is good.
Is it over?
She said we were important.
But what are we supposed to do now?
I don't know.
Let's get out of here.
young - genç
would - olur
wicked - kötü
violent - şiddetli
unfortunately - ne yazık ki
thought - düşünce
their - onların
survive - hayatta kalmak
where - nerede
suffering - çile
everything - her şey
assure - sağlamak
tested - test edilmiş
reason - neden
emerged - ortaya
different - farklı
deadly - ölümcül
doubt - şüphe
people - insanlar
discover - keşfetmek
awaits - bekliyor
could - could
begun - başladı
after - sonra
there - Orada
agrees - kabul eder
fallout - araları açılmak
remember - hatırlamak
effort - çaba
understand - anlama
trials - denemeler
environments - ortamları
activity - aktivite
happened - olmuş
famine - kıtlık
brain - Beyin
called - denilen
virus - virüs
unimaginable - düşünülemez
finding - bulgu
unpredictable - öngörülemeyen
global - global
methods - yöntemleri
flare - işaret fişeği
harsh - sert
incurable - çaresiz
generation - nesil
inside - içeride
sacrificed - kurban
progress - ilerleme
important - önemli
lives - hayatları
makes - markaları
world - Dünya
outside - dışında
realize - gerçekleştirmek
worse - daha da kötüsü
scale - ölçek
supposed - sözde
studied - okudu
everyone - Herkes
attacks - saldırılar
scared - korkmuş
billions - Milyarlarca
scorched - yakılmış
suddenly - aniden
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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