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So, why on earth is Pete taking Viagra?
What's going on?
I think he just, maybe he doesn't...
isn't attracted to me
anymore or something.
- I don't know.
- Well, that is ridiculous.
If you were my girlfriend,
I would not need a Viagra.
I would need
an anti-Viagra pill...
To try not to get a boner.
But everyone gives you a boner.
Don't sell yourself
short like that.
You give me a boner.
Barb doesn't give me a boner.
Maybe things are
just getting stale.
That's why if maybe I
work out really hard...
Maybe he'll get able
to get a boner again.
Why do you need
to have sex, Deb?
Sex is the number one thing
people fight about.
You stop having sex,
there will be no more fights.
I am living proof.
I have no sex,
and I am the happiest
I have ever been.
I knew it. I knew you
were not having sex.
I can see it on your face. It's all...
Puckered and pained.
I'm enjoying our non-sex
period, that's all I'm saying.
Don't you miss it?
I wouldn't know, because I don't
have any feeling down there anymore.
I have nerve damage
from my C-section,
so everything's just kind of...
She's numb down there.
I could sit down
hard on a fire hydrant,
and I wouldn't even
know that I was sitting.
I could get stung by a hornet down
there, and I would not feel it.
You could put
anything in there,
and I would not know
what the object was.
I used to pee in a nice stream,
and now it just kind of goes
like a shower head.
That is the saddest
thing I've ever heard.
I think you need a family.
Don't you want a family?
No, I think
I want to Clooney it.
- Clooney it?
- Yup.
He doesn't seem happy.
Yeah, he is.
No, he's lonely.
No, he's not.
See, I think he... he has sad eyes.
You sweet little thing, no.
He's doing sad, lonely eyes
to get the next lady.
Look, I can do it, too. Watch.
I bet George Clooney
is really lonely.
Just him and his pig.
- You'd fuck him.
- I wouldn't.
So would you.
I would. I wouldn't feel it.
You'd fuck him with your numb vagina.
Yes, you would.
Ocean's Thirteen Inches, that's
what you'd find out.
Do you think?
would - olur
viagra - viagra
vagina - vajina
thirteen - on üç
think - düşünmek
taking - alma
stung - soktu
stream - akım
stale - bayat
there - Orada
short - kısa
yourself - kendin
section - Bölüm
getting - alma
boner - gaf
shower - duş
hydrant - hidrant
fights - kavgalar
gives - verir
fight - kavga
number - numara
earth - toprak
attracted - çekti
anything - her şey
could - could
family - Aile
little - küçük
things - eşyalar
sweet - tatlı
people - insanlar
watch - izlemek
something - bir şey
anymore - Artık
again - Tekrar
nerve - sinir
about - hakkında
pained - kederli
because - Çünkü
girlfriend - kız arkadaşı
feeling - duygu
enjoying - keyfi
doing - iş
living - yaşam
clooney - clooney
hornet - eşekarısı
maybe - olabilir
thing - şey
damage - hasar
ridiculous - gülünç
going - gidiş
happiest - en mutlu
happy - mutlu
having - sahip olan
sitting - oturma
inches - inç
period - dönem
lonely - yalnız
object - nesne
saying - söz
george - George
everyone - Herkes
really - gerçekten mi
proof - kanıt
heard - duymuş
puckered - puckered
saddest - üzücü
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