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l didn't know you had pictures. Give it.
Oh. wow.
That's dirty sex.
You know, you know you're gonna have
dirty sex and it's gonna stink.
Not like sex. l mean, like,
man stink, the good stuff.
That's pretty impressive. For you, yeah.
What does the other one look like?
You just scroll over,you do the finger thing like that.
I am impressed with you.
You scared the shit out of me.
- You all right?
- Yup.
- Medically speaking?
- Fine.
You're not a very good liar, you know that?
Oh, yes, and you are.
Seeing as we're both here,
we might as well share resources.
l guess, I don't have a choice.
- Please, sit down.
- Oh, l'm staying.
Okay, good, good.
Well, l'm available as a friend.
lf you want me to have sex
with both of those guys...
...just to test out stuff and see who
comes back a winner and who doesn't.
I'd be willing to let them do it from behind.
and they wouldn't even know
it was me, l'd pretend l was you.
l'd just put my hair, maybe, up in a pony.
And I was very busy, because l'm a mother,
but l would carve out time in my schedule.
Because that's the kind of friend l am.
- Why is she listening to that old man?
- l have no idea.
- Okay. You know what? That's not helpful.
- Okay, fine.
Then why don't we do one of your
"focus groups" that you do at work.
And you can be the focus group,
and l can be in charge, like you.
- Oh, that's actually a good idea.
- Okay.
This is good, this is good,
l like this.
Okay, so l will ask you questions
about the products.
The people.
And you tell me who you like and why.
I don't know. They're both incredible.
I mean, what a struggle. Okay. l have to go home and
clean tartar sauce out of Bob's beard right now.
And you're gonna sit here and talk to me
about how amazing these guys are.
- ls there anything bad about them?
- Okay, let me think. Flaws.
l think there--
There is one thing.
FDR has these tiny, like, girl hands.
Like little T. rex hands.
Oh, gross.
I mean he's got a Mike and lke
for a penis.
You know that's not true.
You've seen it.
You've seen it in Bangladesh,
you know that's not true.
And Tuck is British.
What is that supposed to mean?
would - olur
winner - kazanan
willing - istekli
think - düşünmek
thing - şey
there - Orada
struggle - mücadele
supposed - sözde
staying - kalma
share - pay
those - bu
scroll - Kaydırma
schedule - program
right - Sağ
gonna - olacak
clean - temiz
focus - Odak
beard - sakal
choice - seçim
sauce - sos
amazing - şaşırtıcı
stink - pis koku
seeing - görme
flaws - kusurları
anything - her şey
actually - aslında
available - Mevcut
mother - anne
please - lütfen
charge - şarj etmek
other - diğer
about - hakkında
products - ürünler
bangladesh - Bangladeş
might - belki
friend - arkadaş
carve - oymak
maybe - olabilir
comes - geliyor
penis - Penis
tartar - çetin ceviz
dirty - kirli
group - grup
behind - arkasında
groups - Gruplar
stuff - şey
guess - tahmin
hands - eller
helpful - faydalı
these - bunlar
speaking - konuşuyorum
impressive - etkileyici
pretty - güzel
incredible - inanılmaz
british - ingiliz
impressed - etkilendim
listening - dinleme
gross - brüt
little - küçük
people - insanlar
scared - korkmuş
medically - tıbben
pictures - resimler
finger - parmak
because - Çünkü
pretend - taklit
questions - sorular
resources - kaynaklar
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