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Öğrenmeye başla
Hoot! Ding! Ding!
Hard a port.
Steady as she goes.
The River Queen's
comin' around the bend.
Guess what I seen.
New family's moving into
the empty house.
Name's Thatcher.
He's a judge.
They got
a real pretty daughter.
Heck, girls ain't no fun.
Always giggling
or weeping.
What do you know
about girls?
I was engaged
to Amy Lawrence.
Always giggling
or weeping.
Poor Tom.
You're workin' your head off,
ain't you?
No, I ain't.
Then what you doing?
I feel sorry for you, Joe.
- You're sorry for me?
- Yeah.
'Cause you can't get
what I get.
- What you get?
- Satisfaction.
From whitewashing?
You get more than that.
- You get gratifaction.
- Gratifaction?
Yeah, that's
what you get.
Gratifaction. Yup, I
feel sorry for you, Joe.
Hey! Let me have a turn.
Please, Tom.
You don't know
what you're asking, Joe.
I'll give you
my glass stopper.
Genuine crystal.
It's pretty good,
but I don't know.
Just for
a couple of licks?
All right, just for a couple.
That's all.
Watch you don't
slop none.
What did you give him
to do your chores?
What chores?
He's doin' your
whitewashin', ain't he?
I'm afraid you've got this
all turned around.
Joe give me this.
He paid you?
Sure. Look at him
having all that fun.
I got six marbles.
I done ate some,
but it's half good.
Hey, watch
you don't slop any.
whitewashing - badana
turned - dönük
stopper - durdurucu
steady - istikrarlı
thatcher - thatcher
sorry - afedersiniz
satisfaction - memnuniyet
pretty - güzel
please - lütfen
weeping - Ağlayan
right - Sağ
marbles - misketler
doing - iş
river - Nehir
crystal - kristal
watch - izlemek
daughter - kız evlat
judge - hakim
always - Her zaman
engaged - nişanlı
having - sahip olan
asking - sormak
couple - çift
afraid - korkmuş
moving - hareketli
licks - yalıyor
about - hakkında
house - ev
empty - Boş
genuine - hakiki
around - etrafında
giggling - kıkır kıkır gülme
chores - ev işleri
girls - kızlar
glass - bardak
gratifaction - gratifaction
guess - tahmin
lawrence - lawrence
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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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