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Öğrenmeye başla
So, you... you won't forgive me,
but you... you forgave Pop?
No, he's just some old vet that I train with.
He means nothing to me.
And what I hear,
he means nothing to you, either.
You got balls talking about forgiveness.
That has nothing to do with forgiveness.
I got children, man. I got a family to protect.
Everything I do is for them.
I forgave Pop.
Just like I forgave you and Mom.
You forgave us?
Well, I'm not surprised
you made the tournament, Brendan.
You got some stones, man.
I fell in love.
What the hell was I supposed to do?
Supposed to stick to the plan.
You were supposed to come with us.
Mom needed you, I needed you.
You're my big brother. You bailed on me.
Hey, you know, I'm glad you stayed.
Everything worked out for you.
You leave, you get the opposite. Okay?
You leave, you get to bury people.
You're not the only one
that suffered, Tommy.
I didn't even know she was sick.
I never even got the chance to say goodbye
to my own mother.
You had no right to keep that from me.
That was not your decision to make!
You know what?
You walk around
with your pictures of your wife,
and you're all, I forgive you.
I forgive Pop.
I forgive everyone.
Brendan, you know,
you're full of shit.
Are we done, Brendan? Are we finished?
worked - işlenmiş
tournament - turnuva
tommy - mehmetçik
surprised - şaşırmış
stones - taşlar
stick - çubuk
stayed - kaldı
right - Sağ
pictures - resimler
people - insanlar
suffered - acı
opposite - karşısında
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
never - asla
either - ya
brendan - brendan
family - Aile
children - çocuklar
brother - erkek kardeş
chance - şans
supposed - sözde
protect - korumak
balls - taşaklar
decision - Karar
bailed - ekti
around - etrafında
forgive - affetmek
finished - bitmiş
everyone - Herkes
train - Tren
everything - her şey
talking - konuşma
forgiveness - af
leave - ayrılmak
means - anlamına geliyor
about - hakkında
goodbye - güle güle
forgave - bağışladı
mother - anne
needed - gerekli
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
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