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Our sözcüğünü içeren filmlerden örnekler

And of course, many of our own technicians also died.
Futureworld - Discussing the Malfunctions
Now, ladies and gentlemen, those of us who have devoted our lives
Futureworld - Discussing the Malfunctions
"Watson had always published a false address for our actual quarters."
Mr. Holmes - A Man Comes to Baker Street
That's our job. But if there's something a parent can do,
Searching - Detective Rosemary Vick
- We don't even know what happened. - Our daughter has been assaulted, Vi.
Footloose - Not Even a Virgin
Isn't this where we're supposed to talk about our problems?
Footloose - Not Even a Virgin
- Hey, find me some food. - Come on. What is our pickup time?
Open Season - You Are Home Scene
Elliot, we're staying here. This is our home.
Open Season - You Are Home Scene
These are our people. This is where we reside.
Open Season - You Are Home Scene
The problem is, we have to replace three key players in our lineup. - Nope.
Moneyball - It's An Unfair Game
Boston's taken our kidneys, Yankees have taken our heart.
Moneyball - It's An Unfair Game
The way our scouts are going to find players,
Moneyball - It's An Unfair Game
our Player Development is going to develop them.
Moneyball - It's An Unfair Game
He picks today, the day of our father's funeral.
Death at a Funeral - Aaron's Eulogy
One thing he did was teach us to chase after our dreams.
Death at a Funeral - Aaron's Eulogy
I'm amazed at what's crawling around in our soup.
Stir Crazy - Getting Chow
It's in our blood... and nothing that you do or say or steal...
The Great Gatsby - A Fit of Rage

Our sözcüğünün sesli telaffuzu

Amerikan telaffuzu

Our sözcüğünün Ivy tarafından telaffuz edilişi (çocuk, kız)
Our sözcüğünün Joanna tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Our sözcüğünün Kendra tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Our sözcüğünün Kimberly tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Our sözcüğünün Salli tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Our sözcüğünün Joey tarafından telaffuz edilişi (erkek)
Our sözcüğünün Justin tarafından telaffuz edilişi (çocuk, erkek çocuk)
Our sözcüğünün Matthew tarafından telaffuz edilişi (erkek)

Britanya telaffuzu

Our sözcüğünün Amy tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Our sözcüğünün Emma tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Our sözcüğünün Brian tarafından telaffuz edilişi (erkek)

Our sözcüğüne benzer sözcükler