Well, the neighborhood bully, he's just one man
His enemies say he's on their land
They got him outnumbered about a million to one
He got no place to escape to, no place to run
He's the neighborhood bully.
The neighborhood bully he just lives to survive
He's criticized and condemned for being alive
He's not supposed to fight back, he's supposed to have thick skin
He's supposed to lay down and die when his door is kicked in
He's the neighborhood bully.
The neighborhood bully been driven out of every land
He's wandered the earth an exiled man
Seen his family scattered, his people hounded and torn
He's always on trial for just being born
He's the neighborhood bully.
Well, he knocked out a lynch mob, he was criticized
Old women condemned him, said he could apologize
Then he destroyed a bomb factory, nobody was glad
The bombs were meant for him. He was supposed to feel bad
He's the neighborhood bully.
Well, the chances are against it, and the odds are slim
That he'll live by the rules that the world makes for him
written - написано
worth - варто
world - Світ
women - жінки
wandered - тинявся
under - під
turned - обернувся
trampled - розтоптаний
given - дано
garden - сад
destroyed - зруйнований
exiled - засланий
empire - імперія
egypt - єгипет
disease - хвороба
could - міг
factory - фабрика
prejudice - упередження
wealth - багатство
contract - договір
denied - відмовлено
babylon - вавілон
always - завжди
clock - годинник
speak - говорити
criticized - критикували
knocked - постукав
course - звичайно
command - команда
licence - ліцензія
people - люди
condemned - засуджений
thick - густий
alive - живий
trial - пробний
change - змінити
likes - любить
hounded - похмурий
enemies - вороги
about - про
allies - союзники
kicked - ногами
desert - пустеля
waits - чекає
crumbs - крихти
cease - припинити
fight - бій
asleep - сплять
earth - земля
chances - Шанси
blood - кров
place - місце
lynch - лінч
being - буття
cause - причина
nothing - нічого
driven - керований
flesh - м'якоть
bully - хуліган
great - чудово
health - здоров'я
peace - мир
bombs - бомби
lives - живе
anybody - ніхто
books - книги
family - сім'я
pride - гордість
weapons - зброя
makes - робить
superstition - забобони
sends - посилає
holiest - найцінніший
would - б
indebted - заборгованість
maniac - маніяк
apologize - вибачитися
scattered - розкиданий
meant - означало
really - дійсно
standing - стоячи
neighborhood - сусідство
still - досі
nightly - ніч
nobody - ніхто
noose - петля
obsolete - застарілий
bloodshed - кровопролиття
pacifists - пацифісти
against - проти
paradise - рай
pollute - забруднювати
rivers - річки
outnumbered - перевищував
million - мільйон
rules - правил
sickness - хвороба
running - біг
scars - шрами
indeed - дійсно
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