They told me that I couldn't come back here again

Took me for some kind of fool

Said I was doing things that never should be done

But I don't care about their rules

As if I cared 'bout the little minds

In the little heads of the herd

There's nothing you could dream

Would be more absurd

And everybody knows

These are rock hard times

I gotta make it through

These are rock hard times

I don't know what it is they're trying to do to me

Make me into some sick joke

trying - намагаюся
times - разів
through - через
think - думай
things - речі
there - там
their - їх
surest - найвірніший
should - повинен
rules - правил
rotten - гнилий
stench - сморід
piled - нагромаджений
nothing - нічого
these - ці
never - ніколи
doing - робити
hollywood - Голлівуд
coming - приходить
choke - дросеть
absurd - абсурдний
again - знову
least - найменше
cared - піклувався
about - про
everybody - кожен
bathroom - ванна кімната
floating - плаваюча
gotta - gotta
gonna - збираюся
heads - голови
laugh - сміятися
right - правильно
mirror - дзеркало
knows - знає
would - б
laughing - сміється
could - міг
little - мало
dream - мрія
minds - розум

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