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Почати навчання
General Patton has said
that wars are fought with weapons,
but they are won by men.
We are going to win this war
because we have the best men.
And because they are
gonna get better.
Much better.
The Strategic Scientific
Reserve is an Allied effort
made up of
the best minds in the free world.
Our goal is
to create the best army in history.
But every army starts with one man.
Rogers! Get off of there!
At the end of this week,
we will choose that man.
He will be the first
in a new breed of super-soldier.
Rogers! Get that rifle out
of the mud!
And they will personally escort
Adolf Hitler to the gates of hell.
Pick up the pace, ladies!
Let's go, let's go! Double time!
Come on! Faster! Faster!
Move! Move!
Squad, halt!
That flag means
we're only at the halfway point.
First man to bring it to me
gets a ride back with Agent Carter.
Move, move!
Come on! Get up there!
That's all you got,
this army's in trouble!
Get up there, Hodge!
Come on! Get up there!
Nobody's got that flag in 17 years!
Now fall back into line! Come on, fall in!
Let's go! Get back into formation!
Rogers! I said fall in!
Thank you, sir.
Faster, ladies! Come on.
My grandmother has more life in her,
God rest her soul.
Move it!
You're not really thinking
about picking Rogers, are you?
I'm more than just thinking about it.
He is the clear choice.
When you brought a 90-pound
asthmatic onto my army base,
I let it slide. I thought, "What the hell."
Maybe he'd be useful to you,
like a gerbil.
I never thought you'd pick him.
You stick a needle in that kid's arm,
it's gonna go right through him.
- Come on, girls.
- Look at that.
He's making me cry.
I am looking for qualities
beyond the physical.
Do you know how long it took
to set up this project?
All the grovelling I had to do
Then throw me a bone.
Hodge passed every test we gave him.
He's big, he's fast. He obeys orders.
- He's a soldier.
- He is a bully.
You don't win wars
with niceness, Doctor.
You win wars with guts.
Get away!
Get back!
All clear. Back in formation.
Is this a test?
He's still skinny.
world - Світ
useful - корисний
there - там
thank - спасибі
super - супер
strategic - стратегічний
still - досі
soldier - солдат
skinny - худий
rogers - рогери
right - правильно
reserve - резерв
starts - починається
project - проект
point - точка
picking - збір
rifle - гвинтівка
patton - Паттон
passed - пройшло
slide - слайд
orders - замовлення
obeys - підкоряється
never - ніколи
years - років
grenade - граната
escort - супровід
thinking - мислення
doctor - лікар
effort - зусилля
qualities - якості
pound - фунт
allied - союзник
adolf - адольф
choose - вибирай
going - йдемо
needle - голка
double - подвійний
gerbil - піщаний
throw - кинути
thought - думав
brought - приніс
ladies - жінки
squad - загону
gonna - збираюся
create - створити
about - про
agent - агента
formation - формування
trouble - біда
asthmatic - астматичний
breed - порода
through - через
beyond - далі
bring - принести
choice - вибір
clear - ясно
every - кожен
because - оскільки
faster - швидше
gates - ворота
first - перший
personally - особисто
niceness - лагідність
general - загальний
girls - дівчатка
weapons - зброя
bully - хуліган
carter - картер
grandmother - бабуся
grovelling - колючий
halfway - на півдорозі
minds - розум
history - історія
physical - фізичний
fought - воював
hitler - Гітлер
hodge - ходж
looking - дивлячись
scientific - науковий
better - краще
making - виготовлення
stick - палиця
maybe - може бути
really - дійсно
means - засоби
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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