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Почати навчання
Before I ever ran a casino,
or got myself blown up,
Ace Rothstein was a hell of a handicapper,
I can tell you that.
I was so good that whenever I bet,
I could change the odds
for every bookmaker in the country.
I'm serious. I had
it down so cold
that I was givenparadise on Earth.
I was given one of the biggest casinos
in Las Vegas to run, The Tangiers,
by the only kind of guys
that can actually get you that kind of money,
62 million 7 hundred thousand dollars
I don't know all the details.
Matter of fact,
nobody knew all the details
but it should
have been perfect.
I mean, he had me, Nicky Santoro,
his best friend, watching his ass
and he had, Ginger,
the woman he loved, on his arm.
But in the end, we fucked it all up.
It should've been so sweet too
but it turned out to be the last time
that street guys like us
were ever given anything
that fuckin' valuable again.
At that time, Vegas was a place
where millions of suckers
flew in every year on their own nickel
and left behind about a billion dollars.
But at night, you couldn't see the desert
that surrounds Las Vegas.
But it's in the desert where
lots of the town's problems are solved.'
A lot of holes in the desert and
a lot of problems are buried in those holes.
Except you gotta do it right.
I mean, you gotta have
the hole already dug
before you show up with
a package in the truck
Otherwise, you're talking about
a half hour or 45 minutes of diggin'.
And who knows who's gonna
be comin' along at that time?
Before you know it,
you gotta dig a few more holes.
You could be there all fuckin' night.
woman - жінка
watching - дивитися
vegas - Вегас
valuable - цінний
turned - обернувся
there - там
those - ті
their - їх
tangiers - тангєри
sweet - солодкий
suckers - присоски
street - вулиця
solved - вирішено
thousand - тисяча
should - повинен
santoro - санторіно
rothstein - ротштайн
perfect - досконалий
package - пакет
earth - земля
desert - пустеля
details - подробиці
where - де
whenever - коли завгодно
country - країна
loved - любив
dollars - долари
holes - отвори
serious - [object Object]
problems - проблеми
along - разом
givenparadise - данийпарк
talking - говорити
about - про
bookmaker - букмекерська контора
surrounds - оточує
knows - знає
otherwise - інакше
again - знову
buried - похований
hundred - сто
already - вже
casinos - казино
actually - насправді
nobody - ніхто
before - раніше
behind - позаду
truck - вантажівка
could - міг
place - місце
billion - мільярд
given - дано
biggest - найбільший
except - окрім
friend - друг
fucked - трахкав
ginger - імбир
million - мільйон
handicapper - гандикап
gonna - збираюся
matter - матерія
gotta - gotta
every - кожен
myself - я сам
nicky - нікей
millions - мільйони
right - правильно
minutes - хвилин
anything - нічого
blown - роздутий
money - гроші
nickel - нікель
change - змінити
casino - казино
night - ніч
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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