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Почати навчання
I'm really sorry.
We missed Your Body is a Wonderland.
Okay. Only one song.
That's not so bad, right?
It was fucking Your
Body is a Wonderland!
Well, the good news is,
he has so many good ones.
Here's an idea: next time, instead
of being late, just shit on my face.
'Cause that's kind of the same thing
as missing Your Body is a Wonderland.
Okay, come on. We really gotta go in.
Julia Roberts is about to put
on her really tall boots.
We need to talk.
I think we should take a break.
I just feel like we should
chill for a while, you know?
- You're doing this?
- You're breaking up with me?
You said I was your soul mate.
I did? When?
When we were at that bed and
breakfast having sex.
- But, you know, that...
- That doesn't what?
- Count.
- I was tied up at work. I'm sorry.
Maybe you should care
a little bit less about work
and a little more about the
girl that you're dating.
'Cause last time I checked,
work doesn't reassure you
that liking a finger up your ass
doesn't make you gay.
I never said "go up." Okay?
I just said lightly around...
It's like a... like a little button.
You know what?
Not your issue any more.
Is this why you were late?
You were worried
about how to break up with me?
Oh, no, no.
I was trying to decide what to wear.
- So, you went with sneakers and a hoodie.
- Yeah.
What, are you gonna
take the SATs after this?
Don't lash out, okay?
- You're better than that.
- I'm really not.
I just think we're heading
in different directions.
Yeah, you to the John Mayer
concert and me not.
Thank you for doing this
before the concert, by the way.
Best breakup.
He is the Sheryl
Crow of our generation!
Let me just ask you a quick question.
And just know that I am not at all
crushed by this breakup.
So, be honest. Why?
- Wait, is this a trick?
- No.
Just pure anthropological research.
Okay. You want someone
to sweep you off your feet,
but you're more interested
in getting swept off your feet
than the someone who's
doing the sweeping.
You seem like you've got
it totally together,
but you're actually
really emotionally damaged.
Also, you have, like, really big eyes,
and that freaks me out sometimes...
Thank you. That's enough.
It is not you at all.
Of course it's me! You can't say that.
You're breaking up with me!
It's not. It's me.
I don't like you any more.
This is my fault.
You deserve better than me.
You're a great guy.
A little too emotionally
unavailable, if you ask me.
I didn't.
I really want to stay friends.
- Let's stay friends.
- Sure.
while - поки
trying - намагаюся
totally - повністю
think - думай
thank - спасибі
sweeping - підмітання
sweep - розмити
sometimes - іноді
someone - хтось
sneakers - кросівки
should - повинен
sheryl - шерил
roberts - Робертс
really - дійсно
swept - промитий
quick - швидко
question - питання
missing - відсутній
mayer - майер
little - мало
liking - подобається
lightly - злегка
julia - Юлія
course - звичайно
reassure - заспокоїти
great - чудово
maybe - може бути
concert - концерт
about - про
missed - пропустив
boots - черевики
together - разом
directions - [object Object]
sorry - вибачте
heading - заголовок
button - кнопка
breaking - розбити
decide - вирішувати
breakup - розійтись
interested - зацікавлений
never - ніколи
breakfast - сніданок
wonderland - країна чудес
deserve - заслуговуй
around - навколо
different - інший
fucking - ебать
chill - застуда
instead - замість цього
damaged - пошкоджено
unavailable - недоступний
count - рахувати
doing - робити
checked - перевірено
gonna - збираюся
actually - насправді
before - раніше
finger - палець
getting - отримувати
better - краще
thing - річ
being - буття
right - правильно
issue - проблема
dating - знайомство
research - дослідження
break - перерва
hoodie - толстовка з капюшоном
emotionally - емоційно
enough - достатньо
after - після
fault - провина
trick - трюк
freaks - виродки
friends - друзі
generation - покоління
worried - стурбований
gotta - gotta
crushed - дроблений
having - маючи
anthropological - антропологічний
honest - чесний
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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