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Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
Почати навчання
You don't have to like me, but I'm the best chance you have at surviving.
What the heck is that?
Felipe must have put baking powder in the car.
How much baking powder?
I don't know. Maybe like, like, like 42 kilos.
I told you it wasn't mine! I told you not to steal something!
Oh, God! Would you just shut up for one cotton-picking minute!
Hey, are y'all okay?
I took that turn way too fast.
What the heck is this white stuff?
Baking powder.
We're bakers. Toast, muffin, cakes.
- Muffin. - Toast.
- Toast, cake, muffins. - I should call the police.
No! I am the mother-effing police! Don't you see?
There's no major damage here. You're free to go.
But I destroyed your car.
I said you're free to go!
Except I need you to drop us off at the nearest establishment...
...where we can buy some clothing at a reasonable price...
...but, more importantly, at a reasonable price.
I said that before, didn't I? This accident's got me all jacked up.
- If you don't mind riding in an old truck. - Yes, let's go!
Clean your nose!
Out of the way!
When I was 5, my favorite color was blue.
When I was 6, my favorite color was plaid.
When I was 7, I saw two squirrels kissing. And I watched it for a long time.
A long time, Wayne. I still feel weird about it. This is our stop!
Wayne, you're the best friend I ever had.
Wayne's a snake in the grass.
Do you think he heard me? I think he heard me.
Okay, Officer Scarface, just keep it together.
Police officer coming through.
I'm so thirsty. It's like my body's a desert.
This could be perfect. We have to change our clothes.
These hangers are very slippery.
it's like they have some sort of special coating on them.
And my hands are really sweaty, which is weird.
Is it hot in here? It feels like the surface of the sun.
You're more fun like this, but you really need to..
I was in a fight-or-flight situation.
And I'm filled with adrenaline. Look how high I can jump.
I can't do this normally. See that?
- Yes! - No.
We're gonna need this and this.
Control yourself. We don't need that!
I know this is impractical but we might have to catch our own food.
Or make a lightning rod! A hat!
- Please. Focus. We need to get clothes! - Yes!
Okay, how about you try something completely different...
...of what you are.
- How about a woman? - Perfect! And you can be a cowboy.
It's tight in here.
I'm gonna be a woman, and you're gonna be a cowboy.
No one's gonna see that coming. I should learn to knit.
I could knit a sweater or a sleeping bag or a whole house.
Looks like night in here, but I know it's day.
It's day, right? It's like Vegas.
Whoo! It's hot!
What is that white thing?
Oh, that's my underwear.
That's no underwear, that's a diaper!
I like a lot of coverage.
whole - цілий
which - котрий
where - де
watched - спостерігав
underwear - нижня білизна
together - разом
house - будинок
flight - політ
impractical - непрактично
importantly - головне
friend - друг
normally - нормально
focus - фокус
filled - заповнений
riding - катання на конях
scarface - рубець
feels - відчуваєш
coating - покриття
except - окрім
adrenaline - адреналін
establishment - установи
effing - ефект
felipe - феліпе
learn - вчитися
different - інший
destroyed - зруйнований
weird - дивний
fight - бій
desert - пустеля
before - раніше
cakes - торти
situation - ситуація
heard - почув
diaper - підгузник
chance - шанс
wayne - wayne
price - ціна
clothing - одяг
white - білий
clean - чистий
plaid - плед
about - про
steal - вкрасти
gonna - збираюся
baking - випічка
powder - порошок
catch - виловити
major - мажор
think - думай
clothes - одяг
change - змінити
night - ніч
coming - приходить
completely - повністю
coverage - покриття
control - контроль
damage - шкода
picking - збір
thing - річ
jacked - піджатий
cotton - бавовна
color - колір
could - міг
hands - руки
looks - виглядає
surface - поверхня
bakers - пекарі
surviving - вижив
cowboy - ковбой
kilos - кілограми
reasonable - розумний
vegas - Вегас
lightning - блискавка
yourself - самі
maybe - може бути
might - може
minute - хвилина
toast - тост
through - через
mother - мама
grass - трава
muffin - кекси
hangers - вішалки
really - дійсно
favorite - улюблений
muffins - кекси
nearest - найближчий
should - повинен
officer - офіцер
please - будь ласка
police - поліція
right - правильно
sleeping - спить
slippery - слизький
would - б
kissing - цілуватися
snake - змія
something - щось
truck - вантажівка
special - особливий
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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