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Почати навчання
Well, if you
really wanna be popular
consider two little words,
"sex" "tape."
Lois, you don't
need these ax wounds.
If I can dress
like them, so can you.
It's a gift from some drug dealer
who went missing.
Just because
you dress like us,
doesn't mean that you
can be like one of us.
It doesn't matter what costume
I wear, yours or mine,
I'm a superhero.
That's who I am.
Captain Muffin-Muncher,
have fun playing
This? This is all
make-believe, Brooke.
The reality is
you're an evil bitch
who's just as bad as
the worst criminal scum.
You wanna get real, Mindy?
In the real world, I win.
I go to an awesome college,
I marry a hot guy
and I make adorable babies
for my nanny to take care
of while we vacay in Paris.
My life is gonna rock
and yours is gonna suck.
And no matter
how slutty you dress,
no boy is ever gonna wanna kiss
that hole you call a mouth.
So why don't you spare us all the
whining and slit your wrists now?
'Cause the only thing
that's gonna ruin my day
is looking at your face
one more second.
- Told her.
- Damn.
What's that?
A ghetto cell phone?
Gonna call for
help with a come-back?
Actually, my daddy bought this
from a disgruntled DARPA employee.
You see, it was designed for crowd
control, but deemed too severe.
It emits a pulse that creates
spontaneous nausea and diarrhea.
He called it
"the sick stick."
Well, either your daddy
got ripped off,
or you're back in make-believe
land, sweetheart,
because we feel fabulous.
Not for long.
Oh, my God!
- You get away from me.
- Please, you win.
I don't wanna win. I just want to
make the world a better place.
yours - твій
wrists - зап'ястя
worst - найгірший
world - Світ
words - слова
while - поки
these - ці
superhero - супергерой
stick - палиця
spontaneous - спонтанний
slutty - слатти
whining - ніс
reality - реальність
popular - популярний
please - будь ласка
playing - грає
place - місце
control - контроль
darpa - дарпа
bitch - сука
criminal - кримінальний
captain - капітан
called - називається
muncher - мончер
college - коледж
adorable - чарівний
wounds - рани
dress - плаття
ripped - розірваний
crowd - натовп
missing - відсутній
believe - вірте
sweetheart - кохана
spare - запасний
creates - створює
actually - насправді
because - оскільки
second - другий
daddy - тато
better - краще
babies - немовлята
diarrhea - діарея
bought - купив
little - мало
vacay - вайей
brooke - брук
designed - розроблений
thing - річ
severe - важкий
awesome - чудово
disgruntled - невдоволений
either - або
emits - випромінює
really - дійсно
muffin - кекси
employee - працівник
fabulous - казковий
dealer - дилер
ghetto - гетто
pulse - імпульс
gonna - збираюся
matter - матерія
costume - костюм
nausea - нудота
looking - дивлячись
marry - одружитися
mindy - mindy
deemed - вважається
mouth - рот
wanna - хочу
nanny - няня
paris - Париж
consider - розглянемо
phone - телефон
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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