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Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
Почати навчання
Kowalski, signal
the chimps to meet us
at the rendezvous point
with the Super Plane.
Hotel Ambassador.
Let's move it!
Ow! Huh?
Voilà. Giraffe
at twelve o'clock.
Guys, we've got a tail.
Pedal to the metal, Private.
Don't take any photos,
Here I am!
Don't take... any... photos.
- No more pictures!
- Medic!
ETA to rendezvous point?
Two minutes, 37
seconds, Sir.
Man your battle stations!
Hey! Wait!
Nobody's at the wheel!
Get back there!
Negative on the driver!
There's no driver!
Nobody's driving! Oh,
no! We're going to die!
Don't just sit there, fancy
pants. Grab the wheel!
Are you kidding? I don't
drive. I'm a New Yorker!
Move over, Miss Daisy!
What are you doing?
Zebras can't drive!
Only penguins and
people can drive.
What do all these
buttons do?
Nice one, Stripes!
Crazy woman gaining!
Our Omega-3 slick
will take them down.
Private, activate!
She's good!
Kowalski, intel.
Sir. We have
a serious problem.
Captain Chantal Dubois.
Monaco Animal Control.
Perfect case record.
You're going the wrong
way, Marty!
Just call me
Marty-o Andretti.
No. You're Sucky-o Andretti!
- Stop backseat driving!
I'm passenger-seat driving
and I want to...
Give me the wheel!
- It's not a wheel, it's my baby!
Your hoofs aren't meant
to be on a wheel!
Hey! Too late for you to drive!
Don't look at me when
we argue! Look at the road!
Be cool, be cool!
Hi, Officer.
Is there a problem?
Oh! Watch out!
We need more power.
Time to fire
up Kowalski's nucular reactor.
- That's a nuclear reactor?
- Nucular.
She's on the roof!
- But, Sir, it's not ready.
The control rods'll
have to be calibrated.
And don't even ask me
about the Uranium-238 blanket.
Okay, Marty, we lost her!
Maybe you can
slow down now.
I can't!
There's no brakes!
No brakes? Way
to commit, soldier.
Let's get out of here!
- Go, go, go! Move!
Hey, where's everybody going?
I'm flying!
I'm flying! I'm the first
flying monkey!
zebras - зебри
yorker - Yorker
wrong - неправильно
woman - жінка
watch - дивитися
uranium - уран
stripes - смуги
stations - станції
soldier - солдат
serious - [object Object]
rendezvous - зустрічі
private - приватний
record - запис
ready - готовий
power - влада
point - точка
pictures - малюнки
seconds - секунд
please - будь ласка
photos - фотографії
perfect - досконалий
twelve - дванадцять
people - люди
penguins - пінгвіни
these - ці
pedal - педаль
passenger - пасажирський
paparazzi - Папарацці
signal - сигнал
omega - омега
officer - офіцер
problem - проблема
crazy - божевільний
control - контроль
pants - брюки
dubois - дубойський
kidding - жартуй
captain - капітан
there - там
animal - тварина
blanket - ковдра
battle - битва
chantal - кантал
ambassador - посол
nucular - нукулярний
chimps - шимпанзе
slick - плямистий
driver - водій
reactor - реактор
calibrated - kalibrációs
backseat - задній бік
buttons - кнопки
driving - водіння
fancy - уява
argue - стверджуй
kowalski - ковальські
commit - вчинити
drive - їхати
everybody - кожен
doing - робити
flying - летять
gaining - набирати
going - йдемо
hoofs - копита
super - супер
hotel - готель
wheel - колесо
nuclear - ядерний
first - перший
intel - Intel
marty - марті
maybe - може бути
meant - означало
brakes - гальма
medic - лікар
sucky - сейк
plane - літак
daisy - ромашка
about - про
giraffe - жирафа
metal - метал
activate - активувати
minutes - хвилин
negative - негативний
monaco - Монако
monkey - мавпа
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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