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Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
Почати навчання
Stay down!
ask him why he did this.
Ask him!
You won't ask me nothing.
I did what I did.
That's all you need to know.
From here on,
I don't say nothing.
Hugo! Sit the fuck down!
Everybody sit down
and shut the fuck up!
Now, somebody
here knows the truth.
Somebody needs
to tell the goddamn truth.
My life is over.
That's it.
But while all you're
out here living yours,
sitting around, talking about the nigger
that lost it, back in high school,
you make sure
you tell them the truth.
You tell them
I loved that girl.
I did.
But I got played.
He twisted my head up.
He fucked it up.
I ain't no different
than none of you all.
My mom's ain't no crack head.
I wasn't no gangbanger.
It wasn't some hood rat
drug dealer that tripped me up.
It was this white, prep school
motherfucker standing right there.
Put the gun down!
Come on, son!
Drop it! Put it down now!
You tell them where I'm from...
didn't make me do this.
while - поки
where - де
twisted - кручений
standing - стоячи
tripped - смикався
gangbanger - гангбангер
white - білий
played - зіграв
everybody - кожен
about - про
around - навколо
different - інший
yours - твій
school - школа
talking - говорити
goddamn - чертовски
dealer - дилер
loved - любив
somebody - хтось
right - правильно
knows - знає
truth - правда
crack - тріщина
living - живий
motherfucker - смуток
needs - потреби
jason - джейсон
nigger - ніггер
fucked - трахкав
nothing - нічого
there - там
sitting - сидячи
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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