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Почати навчання
The long-awaited mission is here.
Chenkov will travel
to New York City
to kill the president of Russia
at the funeral of
the American vice president.
Chenkov is KA 12.
Cold War legend.
Highly trained Russian sleeper agents
inserted into American society
to sabotage and assassinate.
Supposedly they'd wait years
to strike. Decades, even.
- You don't believe in moles?.
- I believe in moles, all right.
Just not the bogeyman.
Especially if the plan is
to kill their own president.
This guy's selling smoke.
Wrap it up, Ev.
So a Russian agent is going to kill
the Russian president? Is that it?
Thank you very much.
And what would you like
in return for that information?
I simply wish to help you
do what you need to do.
You're good.
The KA program
is brilliant bullshit.
But I'm officially off duty, so...
you can tell the rest of your
little story to one of my colleagues.
- Salt.
- Yes?.
The name of the Russian agent
is Salt.
Evelyn Salt.
My name is Evelyn Salt.
Then you are a Russian spy.
So far the fMRI scan registers truthful
on everything he's said.
Call Protective Services,
make sure they find my husband.
- I need to get to the phone.
- No. no, no. Not after the neural scan.
I can beat that thing
five times out of six.
I am trained to, and so is he.
I need my phone.
I need to call my husband.
- Let me call my husband.
- Let me see it.
There's a reason he mentioned
my wedding ring, Ted.
They don't just blow up their cover
they blow up their whole cover life.
You know that.
- Do you remember what happened to Henley's wife?
- Yes, I do.
Please leave a message
after the tone. Thanks. Bye.
Honey, it's me. Please call me
as soon as you get this.
Okay, sweetheart?
As soon as you get this.
Godspeed, Comrade Chenkov.
Someone interrogate that piece of shit.
Someone who enjoys getting answers.
Look, Ev, try to stay calm.
- I'm not a goddamn Russian spy.
- I didn't say you were.
would - б
whole - цілий
years - років
truthful - правдивий
trained - навчений
thing - річ
thanks - дякую
thank - спасибі
supposedly - нібито
story - історія
someone - хтось
society - суспільство
smoke - курити
simply - просто
services - послуги
selling - продаж
russian - російський
russia - Росія
right - правильно
return - повернутися
registers - регістри
reason - причина
their - їх
protective - захисний
funeral - похорон
wedding - весілля
brilliant - блискучий
especially - особливо
agent - агента
cover - обкладинка
everything - все
comrade - товариш
piece - шматок
inserted - вставлено
bullshit - нісенітниця
agents - агенти
chenkov - ченків
american - американець
evelyn - Евелін
colleagues - колеги
decades - десятиліття
honey - мило
remember - згадаймо
program - програма
after - після
enjoys - користується
answers - відповіді
awaited - чекав
believe - вірте
bogeyman - богейман
times - разів
goddamn - чертовски
godspeed - божественна швидкість
going - йдемо
travel - подорожувати
happened - сталося
please - будь ласка
strike - страйкувати
highly - високо
assassinate - вбити
president - президент
mentioned - згаданий
interrogate - допитати
little - мало
sabotage - саботаж
leave - залишати
legend - легенда
getting - отримувати
husband - чоловік
neural - нейронний
information - інформація
message - повідомлення
sweetheart - кохана
officially - офіційно
sleeper - спальня
mission - місія
phone - телефон
moles - молі
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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