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Почати навчання
I'm so sorry, I think I broke your Z.
Oh. No, it's okay. It falls off, like, every time we open the door.
Well, at least you still have T and A.
T and an A. Who are you?
My name is Shelley, and I'm here to be your housemother.
It's nice to meet you, Shelley, but...
Unfortunately, he...
It's a little too late.
We're about to lose our charter, so if we don't have a house,
we won't really be needing a housemother.
Well, why are they gonna take your house away?
Because we get no pledges
and everyone kind of thinks we're losers.
That's so sad. Why does everyone else get all the pledges?
Well, they have great parties, and
boys actually like them.
I'm an expert at parties and boys. I'm a Bunny.
Men write to me from prison, sometimes in their own blood.
I mean, I assume it's theirs, who knows? I don't.
I'm sorry, I'm nervous right now,
because I really wanna help you guys, because I know I can do it.
Wow, a Bunny?
Like a centerfold?
Oh, bless your heart, no. Just a couple of small pictorials,
"Girls of the Midwest," "Girls with GEDs," "Girls of Charlie Sheen."
But now I'm a homeless person.
God, I'm so sorry.
Good luck.
Wait, but I can really help you guys.
So if we don't get pledges, we lose our charter?
We need thirty.
Thirty pledges? There's seven of us, dude.
Technically, seven and a half now.
Oh, nothing a little fertilizer can't help.
Not you, Tanya. I was talking about Harmony.
Actually, seven and three quarters as of Tuesday last week.
Guys, we're never gonna get that many pledges.
This is just their way of shutting us down.
This is awful.
Hey, Joanne, just FYI,
you've got refrigerator magnets stuck to your brace again.
I knew that. I knew that.
- No, you didn't. - Did so.
- Why do we need knee-highs? - Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. There's boys on our lawn.
Are they lost?
The Leaning Panther. I like that. Yoga's hot.
So, are you a Zeta?
Oh, I wish.
Yeah, I do, too, because Zeta would be my new favorite hizzety-hang.
Well, she is not a Zeta,
because she's our new hizzety-housemother.
She'll be hizzy-tizzies...
She'll be here all the time.
You're hiring me?
- Why are they acting like that? - Yes.
That's boys just being boys.
Thank goodness.
write - писати
wanna - хочу
tuesday - Вівторок
thinks - думає
theirs - їх
thank - спасибі
technically - технічно
sometimes - іноді
seven - семи
right - правильно
refrigerator - холодильник
tanya - Таня
small - маленький
quarters - квартали
prison - в'язниця
pledges - обіцянки
person - людина
sorry - вибачте
parties - вечірки
never - ніколи
brace - фіксатор
thirty - тридцять
really - дійсно
everyone - кожен
tizzies - тизування
shutting - затінення
charlie - Чарлі
again - знову
harmony - гармонія
talking - говорити
about - про
favorite - улюблений
bunny - кролика
midwest - середині заходу
blood - кров
actually - насправді
hizzety - хуезти
shelley - Шеллі
needing - що потребує
centerfold - центрований
awful - жахливо
heart - серце
pictorials - малюнки
leaning - спираючись
every - кожен
because - оскільки
assume - припустити
magnets - магніти
acting - діючи
broke - зламався
knows - знає
bless - благослови
nothing - нічого
charter - чартер
being - буття
three - три
their - їх
fertilizer - добриво
falls - падає
girls - дівчатка
unfortunately - на жаль
goodness - доброчесність
sheen - блиск
great - чудово
still - досі
hiring - наймання
panther - пантера
hizzy - hizzy
think - думай
expert - експерт
homeless - бездомний
house - будинок
housemother - будинок іншої
would - б
least - найменше
joanne - джоанн
little - мало
stuck - застряг
couple - пара
gonna - збираюся
losers - програли
highs - максимуми
nervous - нервовий
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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