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Почати навчання
it's about security.
- What is that supposed to mean?
- Money!
- What are you ta...
- He's got a lot of money.
Now I hate you, you smug bastard.
- If you leave here, I hate you.
- You...
I guess not.
- I think I must have misread all of those signals.
- And I guess you did.
You're bored.
You're bored and you know it.
You wouldn't be here
if there wasn't something missing.
Arrogant son of a bitch!
Would you just
stay with me?
Stay with you?
What for?
- Look at us, we're already fighting.
- Well, that's what we do.
We fight.
You tell me when I'm being
an arrogant son of a bitch
and I tell you when you're
being a pain in the ass.
Which you are
99% of the time.
I'm not afraid
to hurt your feelings.
They have like
a two second rebound rate
and you're back doing the next
pain-in-the-ass thing.
So, what?
So it's not gonna be easy.
It's gonna be really hard.
And we're gonna have to work
at this every day,
but I want to do that,
because I want you.
I want all of you,
forever, you and me, every day.
Will you do
something for me?
Will you just picture your life for me?
30 years from now,
40 years from now, what's it look like?
If it's with
that guy, go! Go!
I lost you once,
I think I could do it again,
if I thought it's
what you really wanted.
But don't you take
the easy way out.
What easy way?
There is no easy way,
no matter what I do,
somebody gets hurt.
Would you stop thinking
about what everyone wants.
Stop thinking about
what I want
what he wants, what
your parents want.
What do you want?
- What do you want?
- It's not that simple.
What do you want?
Goddamn it,
what do you want?
I have to go.
years - років
would - б
supposed - передбачалося
money - гроші
could - міг
already - вже
again - знову
goddamn - чертовски
bastard - ублюдок
fight - бій
about - про
arrogant - зарозумілий
guess - здогадатися
wanted - хотів
matter - матерія
forever - назавжди
signals - сигнали
being - буття
thing - річ
afraid - боїться
there - там
every - кожен
because - оскільки
leave - залишати
picture - картина
bored - нудно
misread - неправильно прочитаний
bitch - сука
security - безпека
missing - відсутній
doing - робити
feelings - почуття
parents - батьки
everyone - кожен
really - дійсно
please - будь ласка
gonna - збираюся
rebound - відскок
second - другий
simple - простий
somebody - хтось
something - щось
which - котрий
wants - хоче
think - думай
fighting - бійки
thinking - мислення
those - ті
thought - думав
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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