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Почати навчання
Yes, my child? - Hello.
Need input. - Input, well, that's what I'm here for, son.
People dislike me. Call me droid, ugly, mother-
My goodness. Well, I've been called a few names myself.
I understand it. It always hurt.
We all want to be liked.
Of course it doesn't really matter what people think of you.
It doesn't? - No.
What matters is that what you do, how you live
what the Lord thinks about you.
We're all equal before him.
All equal?
But l'm different. I'm a... - No, no, you're not.
No matter what you may have done, you're as deserving as anyone else.
You possess the immortal soul. That makes you equal.
Yes, input from Bible, Koran, Upanishads.
Well, l lean towards the Bible, myself.
I possess immortal soul? - Of course you do, my son.
You're human, right? - No, I'm a machine.
But l am alive.
Now this is confession. You don't play games in the house of God.
Not games. Have questions, need answers.
Fine, then come to confession yourself. Don't send a machine.
You can't confess by remote control.
Now, out. Get out.
Hey, look at that thing over there.
You think that's the boozer that trashed the bookstore?
How many of these could there be? Hm.
All right, fun's over.
Oh, police officer.
Can you answer questions for me? Just the facts.
Whoever's running this thing, this is the police, come out now.
But l am out. Here l am.
Listen up now. We got complaints on this thing.
Complaints? l did something wrong? Hey!
All right. Ooh!
This is your last chance.
Either you come out now or we're impounding this piece of equip--
But l am not equipment.
Am passerby, man on street, average Joe.
Is this thing for real?
Sure. I'm just on my way to pick up the kids and my wife.
Yeah, my wife, Morgan Fairchild.
Yeah, that's the ticket. Ohh.
You will book me, Danno?
I will make your day?
Do not pass go? I'm underage, you know.
Okay, hold it there.
Mug shots?
The chief said get a photo record of it.
What are we supposed to do? This jail is for human beings.
They may be the scum of the earth, but they're human beings.
But l am alive. Read my lip lights.
l think, therefore l am.
Take it down to stolen goods.
l am not stolen goods. - Out!
But hath not a robot eyes, hath not a robot hands?
Organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions?
lf you prick us, do we not bleed?
Yeah, battery fluid, maybe.
wrong - неправильно
upanishads -
fairchild - Fairchild
hands - руки
stolen - вкрадений
games - ігри
goodness - доброчесність
equipment - обладнання
either - або
earth - земля
different - інший
record - запис
battery - акумулятор
dimensions - розміри
dislike - не подобається
names - імена
deserving - гідний
hello - здравствуйте
could - міг
control - контроль
equal - рівний
mother - мама
danno -
beings - істоти
fluid - рідина
alive - живий
affections - прихильності
about - про
answer - [object Object]
house - будинок
confess - зізнатися
immortal - безсмертний
myself - я сам
boozer - бузир
always - завжди
anyone - будь хто
bible - біблія
bleed - кровоточити
organs - органи
chief - начальник
average - середній
called - називається
morgan - Морган
goods - товари
complaints - скарги
remote - віддалений
robot - робот
trashed - списано
course - звичайно
understand - зрозуміти
people - люди
confession - сповідь
bookstore - книжковий магазин
impounding - захоплюючий
droid - дроїд
input - вхід
makes - робить
answers - відповіді
passions - пристрасті
koran - Коран
prick - укол
before - раніше
lights - вогні
right - правильно
liked - сподобалося
human - людина
questions - питання
child - дитина
machine - машина
listen - слухай
officer - офіцер
matter - матерія
senses - почуття
matters - має значення
yourself - самі
maybe - може бути
passerby - перехожий
chance - шанс
photo - фото
something - щось
police - поліція
facts - факти
piece - шматок
possess - володіти
really - дійсно
ticket - квиток
towards - назустріч
running - біг
street - вулиця
supposed - передбачалося
there - там
therefore - отже
equip - обладнати
these - ці
thing - річ
think - думай
thinks - думає
shots - постріли
underage - неповнолітні
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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