تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.

أضف كلمات أو عبارات للتعلم والتدريب مع متعلمين آخرين.

  • Phrase 1/26

    I can tocanbe able to play the drums quite well because I practice everyday

  • Phrase 2/26

    When I was 10 years old I canable tocould climb trees but now I cant

  • Phrase 3/26

    I couldn’tcan’tcan drive because I dont have a license yet

  • Phrase 4/26

    I couldwas able tocouldn’t understand Maths when I went to school I was always getting the numbers wrong

  • Phrase 5/26

    She cannotmanage tocan speak 5 languages really well!

  • Phrase 6/26

    He are able tois able toable to install software in any computer you give him

  • Phrase 7/26

    In the future we will be ablebe able tocan go on holiday to the Moon

  • Phrase 8/26

    They weren’t able towasn’t able towere able to download music easily in the early 1990s

  • Phrase 9/26

    I be able toam able toam able sing and dance at the same time when Jazz is playing

  • Phrase 10/26

    My Grandma could visitcouldn’t be visitedcouldn’t visit Asia when she was 21 because it was too expensive

  • Phrase 11/26

    I was able toam able towas can read quite well when I was three

  • Phrase 12/26

    He was able towasn’t able tocould dress himself when he was growing up, his Mum did it for him

  • Phrase 13/26

    I am managed tomanage tomanaged to climb many big mountains last year- it was difficult but a great experience

  • Phrase 14/26

    The company able towas able tois able to offer you a discount this week but not next week

  • Phrase 15/26

    Can heIs he ableAble he to play the guitar?

  • Phrase 16/26

    Can youAble you toCan you to understand this grammar?

  • Phrase 17/26

    He manage to bemanages to bemanages to clever and stupid at the same time which isnt easy

  • Phrase 18/26

    Could youWere you ableAre you able to drink alcohol on the streets 20 years ago?

  • Phrase 19/26

    CanAbleCould you cook fish when you were at University?

  • Phrase 20/26

    After this accident I dont think he will be able towas be able towill can work with animals again

  • Phrase 21/26

    How you managed todo you manage toare you manage to look after three children and work at the same time?

  • Phrase 22/26

    I don’t manage towas able todidn’t manage to speak other languages properly its difficult for me!

  • Phrase 23/26

    We managed todidn’t manage tomanage to get the last ticket for the show - Im so happy!

  • Phrase 24/26

    She isn’t able toable toaren’t able to come today because she has a yoga class

  • Phrase 25/26

    Did you canable tomanage to finish all your homework last night?

  • Phrase 26/26

    I couldn’tcouldcan’t understand the ideas in the novel when I was 18 but now I can

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