A thousand years from now on

The flame of life's gone out

The earth - a frozen wasteland

No living trace - no sounds

The world did die in anguish

The ashes turned tu dust

Fire and ice - blackness of night

Man's evolution has lost

Don't tell me that we didn't know

And that we haven't been told

The final S.O.S. we all ignored

We've seen the writing on the wall

The writing on the wall

The science of the madman

Was getting out of control

living - المعيشة
internal - داخلي
blackness - سواد
heavy - ثقيل
there - هناك
getting - الحصول على
frozen - مجمد
flame - لهب
stabbed - طعن
final - نهائي
ignore - تجاهل
lungs - الرئتين
evolution - تطور
every - individle
turned - تحول
ignored - تجاهل
could - استطاع
earth - أرض
ashes - رماد
being - يجرى
attack - هجوم
creature - مخلوق
blind - بليند
world - العالمية
madman - مجنون
mother - أم
nature - طبيعة
never - أبدا
poisoned - مسمم
night - ليل
years - سنوات
painting - لوحة
running - جري
control - مراقبة
picture - صورة
ripped - ممزق
science - علم
sounds - اصوات
veins - الأوردة
comfort - راحة
thousand - ألف
anguish - كرب
ticking - تكتكة
still - ما يزال
writing - جاري الكتابة
trace - أثر
wasteland - قفر

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