Well, I heard that you've been wondering

How I'm getting along

I guess that you think I can't make it

With you gone.

I don't want you to worry

Don't loose you any sleep

But a man called long distance this morning

Said they're thinking about putting me.

On the cover of the USA Today

Story of heartbreaking pain

Picture of the loneliest man they claim

In the USA today.

wondering - يتساءل
tuesday - الثلاثاء
think - يفكر
thing - شيء
sleep - ينام
since - منذ
seems - يبدو
worry - قلق
reminds - تذكر
putting - وضع
pound - جنيه
story - قصة
picture - صورة
night - ليل
cover - غطاء، يغطي
latest - آخر
stand - يفهم
concerned - المعنية
thinking - تفكير
morning - صباح
bigger - أكبر
claim - يطالب
loose - واسع
called - مسمي
crime - جريمة
along - على طول
guess - خمن
about - حول
darkness - ظلام
believe - يصدق
today - اليوم
distance - مسافه: بعد
getting - الحصول على
happy - السعيدة
loosing - فقدان
heartbreaking - مفجع
heard - سمعت
hurting - مؤلم
paper - ورقة
loneliest - وحدة
people - اشخاص
little - قليل

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