The last time I saw William, he was as good as gone

He'd packed up all his poetry and his hurtin' songs

Well they say that he died, but the papers lied

About our long lost favourite song

And the last time I saw William, he was all undone

He'd lost his bag of thunder, and his brave disguise

He was trying to find some kind of peace of mind with brand new eyes

But it all came back in shades of black, like a past that's just begun

And the last time I saw William, he was a man on the run

years - سنوات
undone - غير مصنوع
trying - محاولة
troubadour - التروبادوري واحد من طبقة الشعراء الغنائيين
tonight - هذه الليلة
thunder - صوت الرعد
peace - سلام
cannot - لا تستطيع
walking - المشي
empty - فارغة
disguise - تمويه
poetry - الشعر
marquee - سرادق
brand - علامة تجارية
shades - ظلال
better - أفضل
begun - بدأت
shaky - متزعزع
glory - مجد
praise - مدح
corner - ركن
souls - النفوس
brave - شجاع
boulevard - شارع عريض تكتنفه الاشجار
about - حول
favourite - مفضل
feelings - مشاعر
william - وليام
papers - أوراق
black - أسود
holding - تحتجز
ground - أرض
light - ضوء
loneliness - الشعور بالوحدة
songs - الأغاني
never - أبدا
packed - معباه

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