I opened the fire door to four lips

None of which were mine


Tightened my belt around my hips

Where your hands were missing

And stepped out into the cold

Collar high

Under the slate grey sky

The air was smoking and the streets were dry

And I wasn't joking when I said

Good Bye

Magazine quality men talking on the corner

French, no less much less of them then us

So why do I feel like something's been rearranged?

which - التي
lying - يكذب أو ملقاه
wired - سلكي
joking - يمزح
hands - أيادي
puddle - بركة صغيرة
future - مستقبل
context - سياق الكلام
opened - افتتح
disconnected - انقطع الاتصال
kissing - تقبيل
because - لان
heart - قلب
corner - ركن
around - حول
french - الفرنسية
confrontation - مواجهة
conclusion - استنتاج
magazine - مجلة
jumping - القفز
interested - يستفد
tightened - وشددت
could - استطاع
study - دراسة
missing - مفقود
collar - طوق
quality - جودة
where - أين
rearranged - ترتيبها
talking - الحديث
killed - قتل
should - ينبغي
singing - الغناء
slate - لائحة
smoking - تدخين
someone - شخصا ما
brain - دماغ
stepped - صعدت
streets - الشوارع
statistic - إحصائية
strange - غريب
taken - تؤخذ
substituting - أستعاض
tired - متعبه
under - تحت
ducts - القنوات الناقلة ل
cockroach - صرصور
walking - المشي

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