Rush hour

And the day's dawning

The rain came

And pushed me under the awning

The puddles grew and threw themselves at me

With every passing car

I'm shielding my guitar

And there were some things that I

Did not tell him

There were certain things

He did not need to know

And there were some days

When I did not love him

He didn't understand me

And I don't know why

I didn't go

He said change the channel

I've got problems of my own

I'm so sick of hearing about drugs and AIDS

would - سيكون
wearing - يلبس
understand - تفهم
under - تحت
thighs - الفخذين
there - هناك
themselves - أنفسهم
train - قطار
awoke - متنبه
awning - سقيفة
nights - ليالي
wandered - تجولت
disengage - فك
sheets - أوراق
sneaking - يتسلل
threw - يرمي
could - استطاع
things - أشياء
people - اشخاص
enrage - غضب
channel - قناة
change - يتغيرون
certain - المؤكد
laugh - يضحك
alarm - إنذار
chains - السلاسل
drugs - المخدرات
downtown - وسط البلد
disguise - تمويه
before - قبل
expected - متوقع
without - بدون
against - ضد
passing - عابر
black - أسود
about - حول
dawning - فجر
boots - الأحذية
every - individle
homes - منازل
leather - جلد
guitar - غيتار
buckles - أبازيم
looked - بدا
spent - أنفق
morning - صباح
pushed - دفع
problems - مشاكل
puddles - البرك
reach - تصل
remains - بقايا
summer - الصيف
shielding - التدريع
silent - صامت
still - ما يزال
stained - ملطخ
hearing - سمع
sympathize - تتعاطف

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