Like ships bound for shipwreck,

Most people just simply drift along

And miss their destination without knowing anything is wrong

No direction and without a care

Feels so good and then you're lost out there

Don't you remember how it felt 'til someone showed you the way?

(Oooooh, oooooooh, ooooooh, oh, oh, oh)


It's up to you, it's up to me

To be the lighthouse

They should know they're not alone

So shine so they can see the lighthouse

And find their way back home

Tragically we've forgotten

The reason we're even here at all

Worse still, we remember, it's just that we feel so comfortable

waiting - انتظار
tragically - مأساويا
strike - إضراب
without - بدون
still - ما يزال
simply - ببساطة
showed - أظهر
should - ينبغي
shipwreck - حطام سفينة
shine - يلمع
remember - تذكر
people - اشخاص
destination - المكان المقصود
worse - أسوأ
their - هم
point - نقطة
drift - المغزى
voice - صوت
lighthouse - منارة
direction - اتجاه
forgotten - نسي
comfortable - مريح
climb - تسلق
someone - شخصا ما
feels - يشعر
bound - مقيد
alone - وحده
ships - السفن
loudest - باعلى
there - هناك
oooooh - oooooh
world - العالمية
scream - صرخة
brightest - ألمع
along - على طول
highest - أعلى
anything - اى شى
flames - النيران
knowing - معرفة
notice - تنويه
wrong - خطأ
reason - السبب
lifeline - حبل النجاة
chorus - جوقة
ooooooh -

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها