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كلمات اغنية Pretty Visitors - Arctic Monkeys

Pretty Visitors - Arctic Monkeys

كلمات للدراسة

Tricking through the morning,

The tramp with the trampoline under his arm,

Shifts past your whiskers,

So spark is a charm with the barking alarm,

Weighs coil 'til the corner is turned.

And the bicycle wheels, all struggle to move round,

In your muddy mind,

Blatantly cape town,

And will intertwine in co-operative time,

Shall we sit on the springs 'til the mung goes dry?

All the pretty visitors came and waved their arms and cast the shadow of a snake pit on the wall,

All the pretty visitors came and waved their arms and cast the shadow of a snake pit on the...

What came first the chicken or the dickhead?