I brought you some francs

From my travelling chest

You'll spare me the thanks

'Til you know I'm the best

So, come Hogmonay

When love comes in slurs

Resolutions I'll make

And you can label them hers

We threw our hands up high

We nearly touched the sky

We clicked our heels and spat and swore we'd never let it die

All those boy wonders

Sold their medals when they saw this train

Now this boy wonders

When he'll feel the fall of honest rain

I came from high land where the hopefuls have to hesitate

worth - يستحق
label - ضع الكلمة المناسبة
swore - أقسم
learn - تعلم
train - قطار
heels - كعوب
where - أين
excuse - عذر
friend - صديق
explain - شرح
chest - صدر
sixteen - السادس عشر
called - مسمي
brought - جلبت
never - أبدا
honest - صادق
tongue - لسان
asked - طلبت
clicked - النقر
chuck - سنفرق
tears - دموع
travelling - مسافر
clean - نظيف
medals - ميداليات
comes - يأتي
prose - نثر
hands - أيادي
hesitate - تردد
threw - يرمي
could - استطاع
touched - لمست
paper - ورقة
pastel - فاتح اللون
resolutions - قرارات
spare - إضافي
francs - فرنك
peddle - تجول
glimpse - لمحة
slurs - الافتراءات
thanks - شكر
their - هم
those - أولئك
genius - العبقري
waiting - انتظار
nearly - تقريبا
wonders - عجائب
words - كلمات

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