Like a Jester at the ball

Rubbed my shoulders with the kings

And I was draped in gold and velvet

Bathing in applause while I was jumping through the rings

Then the cooks would sound a bell

And all the kings would lick their lips

But I couldn't find a place mat

The dinner table's full and there's no room for me to sit

Is there anybody out there looking out for me?

Just say you want me, just say you need me

Is there anybody out there looking out for me?

Lord, I live to entertain

would - سيكون
while - في حين
vibration - اهتزاز
there - هناك
their - هم
strum - مداعبة أوتار الآلة الموسيقية
sound - صوت
shoulders - أكتاف
shoes - أحذية
shatter - تحطيم
rubbed - يفرك
rings - خواتم
tears - دموع
pride - فخر
praise - مدح
chord - وتر
fingers - أصابع
bones - العظام
again - مرة أخرى
along - على طول
dinner - وجبة عشاء
anybody - اي شخص
could - استطاع
bathing - الاستحمام
fucking - سخيف
applause - تصفيق
doorway - مدخل
place - مكان
cooks - طهاة
entertain - ترفيه
draped - رايات
velvet - مخمل
every - individle
jester - مهرج
jumping - القفز
through - عبر
kings - الملوك
looking - يبحث
never - أبدا

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