كلمات للدراسة
They call you lady luck

But there is room for doubt

At times you have a very un-lady-like way

Of running out.

Your on a date with me,

The pickings have been lush

And yet before this evening is over you might give me the brush

You might forget your manners,

You might refuse to stay,

And so the best that I can do is pray...

Luck be a lady tonight, luck be a lady tonight.

Luck if you've ever been a lady to begin with,

Luck be a lady tonight.

Luck how I'm longing to see,

How good a friend you can be.

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها