Drove downtown in the rain

nine-thirty on a Tuesday night,

just to check out the late-night record shop.

Call it impulsive,

call it compulsive,

call it insane;

but when I'm surrounded

I just can't stop.

It's a matter of instinct, it's a matter of conditioning,

It's a matter of fact.

You can call me Pavlov's dog

Ring a bell and I'll salivate- how'd you like that?

Dr. Landy tell me you're not just a pedagogue,

cause right now I'm

Lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did

wilson - ويلسون
where - أين
tuesday - الثلاثاء
insane - مجنون
heavy - ثقيل
pedagogue - مرب
pounds - جنيه أو رطل للوزن
dream - حلم
downtown - وسط البلد
creative - خلاق
though - اعتقد
building - بناء
about - حول
floated - طرحت
check - التحقق من
castles - القلاع
record - سجل
compulsive - لا يقاوم
salivate - سال لعابه
brian - بريان
cause - سبب
smiley - مبتسم
staring - يحدق
tiles - البلاط
think - يفكر
because - لان
ceiling - سقف
drought - جفاف
somebody - شخص ما
guitar - غيتار
thirty - ثلاثون
conditioning - تكييف
landy - عندي
ground - أرض
listening - استماع
wondering - يتساءل
hundred - مائة
lying - يكذب أو ملقاه
matter - شيء
night - ليل
impulsive - مندفع
instinct - غريزه
playing - تلعب
right - حق
singing - الغناء
sandbox - رمل
smile - ابتسامة
surrounded - محاط
drove - قاد
thinking - تفكير
three - ثلاثة

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