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كلمات اغنية Enid - Barenaked Ladies

Enid - Barenaked Ladies

كلمات للدراسة

Enid we never really knew each other anyway.

Enid we never really knew each other anyway.

it took me a year to believe it was over,

and it took me two more to get over the loss.

I took a beating when you wrote me those letters,

and every time I remembered the taste of your lipgloss.

Enid we never really knew each other anyway.

Enid we never really knew each other anyway.

Maybe we always saw right through each other anyway

but Enid we never really knew each other anyway.

There were times when I wanted to hurt you,

and there were times when I know that I did.

There were times when I thought I would kill you,

but can you blame me I was only a kid.

Tell me why we never respected each other.

and tell me why I never believed that you were a person too.

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