The phone rings, it's early, it's seven o'clock.

He says sorry I woke you, but I just had to talk

You know last night, remember when I tried to choke you?

I didn't mean it, I was drunk, it was only a joke.

You should know that by now,

when the chequered flag comes down,

no one no one no one has won the race.

The next night he's over and over and under

and after he's finished she lies there and wonders

just why does she need him and why does she stay here

and then in the darkness she'll quietly say Dear,

you've never really known that when the white flag is flown,

wonders - عجائب
under - تحت
train - قطار
there - هناك
tells - يروي
steeple - برج الكنيسة
their - هم
sorry - معذرة
seven - سبعة
rings - خواتم
remember - تذكر
really - هل حقا
problems - مشاكل
phone - هاتف
drunk - سكران
people - اشخاص
darkness - ظلام
ribbons - أشرطة
complicates - يعقد
early - مبكرا
raven - غراب أسود
choke - خنق
angel - ملاك
after - بعد
bluebird - طائر أزرق
white - أبيض
telling - تقول
complicated - معقد
chequered - ذو مربعات
tried - حاول
comes - يأتي
night - ليل
should - ينبغي
flown - طار
partridge - الحجل طائر
eagle - نسر
known - معروف
quietly - بهدوء
finished - تم الانتهاء من
forest - غابة
never - أبدا
leading - قيادة
lives - الأرواح

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