The red Georgia clay when mixed with the rain

Sure made for one nasty mess

Ah, but we were ridin' high in that old truck of mine

In deep as we could get

Always looking for a rut, tryin' not to get stuck

And slinging that mud everywhere, growin' up down there

Me and my friends where the deep river bends

Had a long rope tied to a tree

Takin' turns on the swing, takin' turns takin' drinks

And I don't mean iced tea

A good buzz later playing chicken with the gators

Way too young to be scared, growin' up down there

And those tan little peaches turnin' us on

where - أين
turns - يتحول
those - أولئك
summer - الصيف
stuck - عالق
still - ما يزال
swing - تأرجح
spread - انتشار
somewhere - مكان ما
slinging - القذف
swear - أقسم
river - نهر
there - هناك
radio - راديو
playing - تلعب
mixed - مختلط
field - حقل
later - في وقت لاحق
everywhere - في كل مكان
young - شاب
times - مرات
drinks - مشروبات
second - ثانيا
friends - اصحاب
little - قليل
could - استطاع
things - أشياء
bends - الانحناءات
nasty - مقرف
truck - شاحنة
never - أبدا
bonfire - مشعل
chicken - دجاج
georgia - جورجيا
going - ذاهب
lasted - استمر
scared - خائف، خواف، مذعور
gators - خياري
looking - يبحث
lucky - سعيد الحظ
always - دائما
night - ليل
through - عبر
peaches - خوخ

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