your flirt finds me out

teases the crack in me

smittens me with hope

possibly maybe probably love

as much as i definitely enjoy solitude

i wouldn't mind perhaps

spending little time with you



possibly maybe probably love

using - استخدام
tongue - لسان
sometimes - بعض الأحيان
since - منذ
remembrance - erinnerung
probably - المحتمل
excites - يثير
enjoy - استمتع
definitely - قطعا
spending - الإنفاق
eruptions - الثورات
possibly - ربما
teases - يثير
admiring - الإعجاب
crash - يصطدم _ تصادم
vulcan - فولكان
solitude - عزلة
lottery - اليانصيب
again - مرة أخرى
uncertainly - عدم اليقين
crack - الكراك
perhaps - ربما
maybe - يمكن
flirt - يغازل
going - ذاهب
happen - يحدث
disasters - الكوارث
petit - بيتي
broke - حطم
finds - يجد
knows - يعرف
lipstick - أحمر الشفاه
little - قليل

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