My happiness is buried in the sand

In the backyard of my life, I can't remember where

Think it was October's rain that watched me cry

No one else was around my happiness

Diving to the bottom of the sea

To find the wild white pearls which hide from me

And only empty shells were lying there

Like my happiness, my happiness

And when you see me running

Don't assume I'm running somewhere I belong

And when you see me crying

Don't feel sorry for me

where - أين
waits - ينتظر
there - هناك
steal - سرقة
wooden - خشبي
start - بداية
smile - ابتسامة
slides - الشرائح
shells - قذائف ل
which - التي
running - جري
smiling - باسم
place - مكان
somewhere - مكان ما
crying - بكاء
pearls - درر
comes - يأتي
bottom - الأسفل
watched - شاهدت
trying - محاولة
assume - افترض
between - ما بين
darkest - أحلك
buried - مدفون
below - أدناه
around - حول
sorry - معذرة
glowing - متوهج
backyard - الفناء الخلفي
remember - تذكر
belong - تنتمي
october - شهر اكتوبر
leaves - اوراق اشجار
diving - غوص
falling - هبوط
white - أبيض
floor - أرضية
walking - المشي
empty - فارغة
happiness - سعادة
snake - ثعبان
found - وجدت
think - يفكر
ground - أرض
tears - دموع
lying - يكذب أو ملقاه

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