I saw you standing on the corner, you looked so big and fine.

I really wanted to go out with you, so when you smiled,

I laid my heart on the line

You read me my rights and then you said "Let's go" and nothing more

I thought of my nights, and how they were

They were filled with

I know you wouldn't go

You'd watch my heart burst then you'd step in

I had to know so I asked

You just had to laugh

We sat in the night with my hands cuffed at my side

I look at your life and your style

thought - فكر
watch - راقب
think - يفكر
there - هناك
style - قلم المدقة
standing - مكانة
rubber - مطاط
smiled - ابتسم
rights - حقوق
public - عامة
doubt - شك
really - هل حقا
defender - مدافع
burst - انفجار
trial - التجربة
admit - يعترف
badge - شارة
boots - الأحذية
marksman - هداف
vision - رؤية
ageless - دائم الشباب
perpetrate - ارتكب
filled - معبأ
asked - طلبت
cuffed - مكبلة
going - ذاهب
walking - المشي
offender - المذنب
corner - ركن
heart - قلب
hands - أيادي
inside - في داخل
wanted - مطلوب
nothing - لا شيئ
laugh - يضحك
looked - بدا
night - ليل
offensive - هجومي
nights - ليالي

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها