Just a minute before you leave girl

Just a minute before you touch the door

What is it that you're trying to achieve, girl ?

Do you think we can talk about it some more ?

You know, the streets are filled with vipers

Who've lost all ray of hope

You know, it ain't even safe no more

In the palace of the Pope.

Don't fall apart on me tonight

I just don't think that I could handle it

Don't fall apart on me tonight

Yesterday's just a memory

Tomorrow is never what it's supposed to be

And I need you, yeah.

Come over here from over there, girl

Sit down here, you can have my chair

I can't see us going anywhere, girl

The only place open is a thousand miles away and I can't take you there

I wish I'd have been a doctor

Maybe I'd have saved some life that had been lost

Maybe I'd have done some good in the world

'Stead of burning every bridge I crossed.

Don't fall apart on me tonight

I just don't think that I could handle it

Don't fall apart on me tonight

world - العالمية
where - أين
trying - محاولة
tomorrow - غدا
think - يفكر
these - هؤلاء
there - هناك
their - هم
surface - سطح - المظهر الخارجي
supposed - مفترض
stuck - عالق
street - شارع
start - بداية
stainless - غير القابل للصدأ
tonight - هذه الليلة
smiles - ابتسامات
right - حق
remember - تذكر
walking - المشي
played - لعب
people - اشخاص
palace - قصر
painting - لوحة
pants - بنطال
never - أبدا
mountaintop - قمة الجبل
thousand - ألف
millionaire - مليونير
throat - حلق
misplaced - في غير محله
miles - اميال
vipers - الأفاعي
steel - صلب
might - ربما
saved - تم الحفظ
memory - ذاكرة
maybe - يمكن
conversation - محادثة
crossed - عبرت
touch - لمس. اتصال. صلة
streets - الشوارع
build - بناء
charm - سحر
wrong - خطأ
traps - الفخاخ
burning - احتراق
bridge - جسر
place - مكان
anywhere - في أى مكان
chair - كرسي
waste - المخلفات
clark - كلارك
booby - المغفل
towards - تجاه
apart - بعيدا، بمعزل، على حد
through - عبر
minute - اللحظة
bring - احضر
beyond - وراء
going - ذاهب
bewildered - متحير
affection - تاثير
beneath - تحت
lying - يكذب أو ملقاه
about - حول
before - قبل
fight - يقاتل
humorless - السماح بنشرها
achieve - التوصل
dance - رقص
filled - معبأ
decadence - تفسخ
every - individle
creatures - كائنات
doctor - طبيب
could - استطاع
drumsticks - أفخاذ
would - سيكون
exactly - بالضبط
baffled - مرتبك
handle - مقبض
james - جوامع
gable - الجملون الجزء الأعلى من مثلث الزوايا
hanging - معلق
house - منزل
itches - الحكة
inside - في داخل
tickle - دغدغة
jackie - جاكي
louvre - متحف اللوفر
leave - غادر
bombs - القنابل
lives - الأرواح
looked - بدا

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