Well the pressure's down, the boss ain't here
He gone North, for a while
They say that vanity got the best of him
But he sure left here in style
By the way, that's a cute hat
And that smile's so hard to resist
But what's a sweetheart like you doing in a dump like this ?
You know, I once knew a woman who looked like you
She wanted a whole man, not just a half
She used to call me sweet daddy when I was only a child
You kind of remind me of her when you laugh
In order to deal in this game, got to make the queen disappear
It's done with a flick of the wrist
What's a sweetheart like you doing in a dump like this ?
You know, a woman like you should be at home
That's where you belong
Taking care for somebody nice
yourself - نفسك
wrong - خطأ
wrist - معصم
whole - كامل
which - التي
wanted - مطلوب
vanity - الغرور
until - حتى
taking - مع الأخذ
sweetheart - حبيبة القلب
harem - حريم
glass - زجاج
floor - أرضية
daddy - بابا
mansions - القصور
first - الأول
style - قلم المدقة
belong - تنتمي
doing - فعل
child - طفل
disappear - اختفى
smile - ابتسامة
where - أين
beautiful - جميلة
tires - الإطارات
before - قبل
across - عبر
throw - يرمي
permanent - دائم
honey - عسل
flick - نفض الغبار
squeal - انتحب
abuse - إساءة
person - شخص
queen - ملكة
called - مسمي
jealous - غيور
laugh - يضحك
crawled - زحف
clings - يتمسك
behind - خلف
fireproof - المضاد للهب
scoundrel - الوغد
looked - بدا
bliss - النعيم
refuge - لجأ
house - منزل
important - مهم
while - في حين
known - معروف
sweet - حلو
people - اشخاص
north - شمال
steal - سرقة
bleed - ينزف
patriotism - حب الوطن
woman - النساء
order - طلب
remind - تذكير
little - قليل
resist - يقاوم
should - ينبغي
somebody - شخص ما
اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها
اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها