Yes, I'm gonna stay with him tonight

I’ll see you in the mornin'

No, of course he won't drink and drive

Can you say bye to mom for me?

Oh, you’ll like him, he's really kind

And he's funny like you sometimes

And I found someone I really like

Maybe for the first time

No, I don't need a jacket

It's not that cold tonight

And you worry, I get it

But he's waitin' outside

I swear on my heart that he's a good man

I know you’ll stay up late just waitin’ for me

You held me so tight, now someone else can

But you were the first man that really loved me

Now you're driving to the airport

Not just me you pick up anymore

worry - قلق
while - في حين
waitin - تنتظرين
tonight - هذه الليلة
aisle - ممر
never - أبدا
driveway - درب خاص
doors - الأبواب
before - قبل
drive - قيادة
deserves - يستحق
faking - مدع
funny - مضحك
course - دورة
eight - ثمانية
happy - السعيدة
anymore - أي أكثر من ذلك
walking - المشي
first - الأول
tight - ضيق
deserve - استحق
might - ربما
airport - مطار
around - حول
beautiful - جميلة
driving - القيادة
always - دائما
makes - يصنع
could - استطاع
gonna - سوف
heart - قلب
loved - أحب
family - أسرة
little - قليل
jacket - السترة
looked - بدا
loves - يحب
maybe - يمكن
really - هل حقا
swear - أقسم
means - يعني
drink - يشرب
outside - في الخارج
promise - وعد
smile - ابتسامة
sometimes - بعض الأحيان
someone - شخصا ما
found - وجدت
looking - يبحث
tears - دموع
think - يفكر

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