sentimental thoughts that night,

walking through the neon lights.

dreaming about the book I read,

listening back to the words you said.

names of streets I can't pronounce,

words and speech are only sound.

I'll find my...

I might find...

finding a thousand ways to give

unable to know, how to live

colour blindness or so it seems

affecting strongly all my dreams

listening back to the words you said.

unable - غير قادر
thousand - ألف
there - هناك
streets - الشوارع
speech - خطاب
sound - صوت
strongly - بقوة
seems - يبدو
world - العالمية
pronounce - نطق
sentimental - عاطفي
problem - مشكلة
night - ليل
comes - يأتي
words - كلمات
lights - أضواء
cigarette - سيجارة
through - عبر
thankful - شاكر
blindness - عمى
chewing - مضغ
colour - اللون
visions - رؤى
affecting - تؤثر
dreaming - الحلم
ahead - المكانية
thoughts - أفكار
beauty - جمال
about - حول
listening - استماع
walking - المشي
might - ربما
echoes - أصداء
every - individle
dreams - أحلام
finding - العثور على
peace - سلام
found - وجدت
illuminating - منور
living - المعيشة
future - مستقبل
names - أسماء

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