I told you before that this is the end

you'll never work in this town again


you think you know me, that's your trouble

never fall in love with a body double


i stick to the script and i go with the plan

and frankly my dear i never gave a damn


never even scratched the surface,

though you're picking through my bones

it's the performance of a lifetime

it's my only starring role

your leading lady needs direction

thousands - الآلاف
thought - فكر
those - أولئك
through - عبر
stick - عصا
starring - بطولة
second - ثانيا
script - النصي
scratched - خدش
sleeps - ينام
picking - اختيار
performance - أداء
direction - اتجاه
every - individle
dates - تواريخ
leading - قيادة
believe - يصدق
clever - ذكي
vacate - يخلى
think - يفكر
alone - وحده
trouble - مشكلة
superstar - نجم النجوم
lifetime - أوقات الحياة
confused - مشوش
needs - الاحتياجات
before - قبل
altered - تغيير
final - نهائي
surface - سطح - المظهر الخارجي
frankly - بصراحة
essential - أساسى
substance - مستوى
still - ما يزال
bones - العظام
again - مرة أخرى
interviews - مقابلات
though - اعتقد
names - أسماء
extra - إضافي
double - مزدوج
never - أبدا

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