Intro: Future]

It's just me and you

Girl it's just me and you

We make a movie, no edit

Everything about your body, my fetish

You hear me calling you

I know you hear my body calling you

911, emergency

Tell 'em my heart need surgery

[Verse 1: Ciara]

My body, is your party, baby

Nobody's, invited, but you, baby

I can do it slow now tell me what you want

Baby put your phone down, you should turn it off

Cause tonight it's going down, tell your boys it's going down

We in the zone now, don't stop; oooooh oooh

[Hook: Ciara]

You can keep your hands on me

Touch me right there, rock my body

I can't keep my hands off you

Your body is my party

I'm doing this little dance for you

You got me so excited

wanna - اريد
verse - بيت شعر
tonight - هذه الليلة
taking - مع الأخذ
surgery - العملية الجراحية
straight - مباشرة
things - أشياء
started - بدأت
since - منذ
should - ينبغي
fight - يقاتل
fetish - صنم
faces - وجوه
excited - فرح
everything - كل شىء
handed - الوفاض
empty - فارغة
always - دائما
contribute - تساهم
ooooh - اوووه
night - ليل
emergency - حالة طوارئ
little - قليل
about - حول
arrived - وصل
dancing - رقص
walked - مشى
floor - أرضية
another - آخر
spend - أنفق
future - مستقبل
feelings - مشاعر
doing - فعل
living - المعيشة
dance - رقص
cause - سبب
calling - دعوة
glass - زجاج
party - حفل
going - ذاهب
gonna - سوف
hands - أيادي
invited - دعوة
remember - تذكر
phone - هاتف
having - وجود
heart - قلب
movie - فيلم
interlude - فترة فاصلة
round - مستدير - كروي
intro - مقدمة
oooooh - oooooh
touch - لمس. اتصال. صلة
outro - الافتتاحية والختامية
amazing - رائعة حقا
pants - بنطال
there - هناك
places - أماكن
point - نقطة
feeling - شعور
right - حق

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