Who'll face the tide

And take their chances?

Will fasten the line

To broken branches

Adrift on the ocean in wild winter storms

I have to imagine things to keep myself warm

The night closing in, but not to worry

Told everyone I know, that I was sorry

And I heard them all singing

For comfort and peace

And in my confusion

where - أين
things - أشياء
still - ما يزال
return - إرجاع
planes - طائرات
comfort - راحة
their - هم
sorry - معذرة
closing - إغلاق
signs - علامات
night - ليل
circling - طواف
thoughts - أفكار
chances - فرص
branches - الفروع
adrift - بلا هدف
storms - العواصف
returning - عودة
ocean - محيط
believe - يصدق
worry - قلق
broken - مكسور
confusion - ارتباك
illusions - أوهام
consciousness - وعي
winter - شتاء
surrounded - محاط
people - اشخاص
could - استطاع
singing - الغناء
living - المعيشة
fading - بهوت
fasten - ربط
spinning - الدوران
peace - سلام
circles - الدوائر
everyone - كل واحد
myself - نفسي
stories - قصص
heard - سمعت
imagine - تخيل

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