This pig harassed the whole neighborhood,

Well this pig worked at the station.

This pig he killed my Homeboy,

So the fuckin´ pig went on a vacation.

This pig he is the chief,

Got a brother pig, Captain O´Malley.

He´s got a son that´a a pig too,

He´s collectin´ pay-offs from a dark alley.

This pig is known as a Narco,

If he´s a pig or not, we know that he could be.

This pig he´s a fuckin´ fag,

So all his homepigs they call him a pussy.

Well this pig he´s really cool,

So in this class we know he rides all alone.

Well this pig´s standin´ eatin´ donuts,

works - أعمال
worked - عمل
wanna - اريد
vacation - عطلة
swine - خنزير
station - محطة
standin - يواجه
sorry - معذرة
society - المجتمع
sight - مشهد
fuckin - فوكين
arrest - يقبض على
eatin - eatin
narco - مخدرات
harassed - تحرش
protect - يحمي
rides - ركوب الخيل
stand - يفهم
crack - الكراك
class - صف دراسي
chops - القطع
homeboy - homeboy
group - مجموعة
about - حول
chief - رئيس
donuts - الكعك
anybody - اي شخص
motherfuckers - motherfuckers
alley - زقاق
caught - القبض
smart - ذكي
placed - وضعت
could - استطاع
little - قليل
neighborhood - حي
alone - وحده
outta - وتا
whole - كامل
provide - تزود
chest - صدر
breakin - يقتحم
nigga - نيغا
captain - قائد المنتخب
gonna - سوف
brother - شقيق
bullet - رصاصة
money - مال
himself - نفسه
killed - قتل
while - في حين
known - معروف
mafia - مافيا
makin - ماكين
pussy - كس
niggas - كويتيات النسائية
sausage - سجق
really - هل حقا
proof - دليل
under - تحت
robbin - روبين
sandwich - ساندويتش

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