No one asks me for dances because I only know how to flail

I always hit like I'm drowning, dead arms around him

I'd rather stand still, hold tightly to the walls

No care, no care in the world

No care, no care in the world

I don't care, don't care anymore

I don't care, don't care

Love you in a panic because I prefer to sit on fences

Spit-kissing on my sickbed

I'm not searching for replacements

But we are like broken instruments

Twisted up and wheezing out the runnels

Sleepless folks watching light grow

Through their early morning windows

I don't care, don't care anymore

I don't care, don't care

Oh, I'm too drunk to fight, hurlings curses at your surface

Because I'm aware, because it hurts that I'm in love again

would - سيكون
world - العالمية
wheezing - الصفير
wanted - مطلوب
walls - الجدران
twisted - ملفوف
tightly - بإحكام
through - عبر
there - هناك
their - هم
surface - سطح - المظهر الخارجي
still - ما يزال
spine - العمود الفقري
afterwards - بعدئذ
folks - الناس
fighting - قتال
mouth - فم
dances - الرقصات
choking - خانق
stand - يفهم
fight - يقاتل
watching - مشاهدة
broken - مكسور
drowning - غرق
always - دائما
something - شيئا ما
anymore - أي أكثر من ذلك
again - مرة أخرى
could - استطاع
arguments - الحجج
because - لان
instruments - الأدوات
aware - وصف
around - حول
windows - شبابيك
threat - التهديد
sickbed - فراش المرض
slept - نام
curses - الشتائم
cheap - رخيص
lying - يكذب أو ملقاه
early - مبكرا
glass - زجاج
hearted - القلب
searching - البحث
heavy - ثقيل
hurts - يؤلم
fences - الأسوار
insane - مجنون
kissing - تقبيل
flail - درس القمح
kissed - القبلات
memory - ذاكرة
rather - بدلا
morning - صباح
where - أين
reminder - تذكير
panic - هلع
drunk - سكران
prefer - تفضل
promise - وعد
light - ضوء
fucked - مارس الجنس
replacements - بدلاء
sleepless - الذي لاينام

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