I kneel at the altar

Carve your name

And hail to the gods

I've climbed your trees and I peeled your fruit

When I tasted your kiss

How amazing that you were sent

Like you were molded out of thin air

And I don't want you to disappear

But I want you to carry us out here

We sail through arc light

Attach the wings

And wait for the gods

years - سنوات
watched - شاهدت
truth - حقيقة
thousand - ألف
would - سيكون
sunlight - ضوء الشمس
tasted - ذاقت
strength - قوة
scream - صرخة
promised - وعد
praise - مدح
peeled - مقشر
climbed - ارتفع
through - عبر
fruit - فاكهة
immerse - غمر
carve - نقش
great - عظيم
disappear - اختفى
drink - يشرب
ascent - صعود
carry - يحمل
wings - أجنحة
amazing - رائعة حقا
found - وجدت
trees - الأشجار
altar - مذبح
praises - المديح
attach - يربط
choose - أختر
grail - الكأس
light - ضوء
every - individle
bathe - استحم
drank - شربوا
juice - عصير
kneel - ركع
molded - مصبوب

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